
9,000 words. Only 51,000 to go...

The fact that i have managed to write 9,000 words still amazes me. Although my goal is to complete a full length novel, the small amount I have written seems so much. It has helped visualizing the scenes. Sometimes I look through the characters eyes as if my spirit were possessing their body. I can hear and see the things they hear and see. The reason I enjoy watching anime is to see a story come to life. I love to read as well. The combination of interests keeps inspiring me to continue writing DemonJack. I wonder what motivates other writers to persevere until they manage to complete a final product. It will be so amazing to be there in the future, holding my completed manuscript.


Premise of the Story

The story is an adventerous and, at times, endearing mixture of Dante's Inferno and The Wizard of Oz. A young boy, Jack, dies tragically and must find redemption in a strange world where opposing forces of the afterlife battle for dominance, and all must heed the Final Law. Jack, determined to find freedom and redemption, sets out on a quest to the Upperworld, and meets Daisy, a young vampire who has her own dark past. Together the unlikely pair set out for the Upperworld, but find themselves in the midst of a precarious balance tipping all spirits into the clutches of the Underworld. Can they find redemption and reach the Upperworld? Will they be allowed to enter? Will the Underworld take control of the spirits and become the dominant power of the Universe? Is change really possible? Can love triumph even in Hell? Ultimately, the power of forgiveness must conqour the true battle within Jack. Only that can pave the way to the freedom he seeks.